Rich Phytocare
For Sustainable and Profitable Agriculture
Although the globe gyrates on its own orbit, its dynamism and vibrancy depends on the pathways of the plough. Gifted with an insight to understand this greatness of mother earth and a passion for preserving the promising potentials in the field of agriculture, the dawn of Rich Phytocare happened in the minds of enterprising lovers of Nature with a commitment to radiate hope through harmless eco-friendly practices. The products of Rich Phytocare are meticulously brought forth with due care and concern born out of wide experience in the agro industry. Agriculture to us, has always been the most positive adventure, the noblest transaction and a soul elevating commune with Nature. We share an inseparable bondage with Nature for peace, prosperity and harmony. With decades of experience of testing times for the human spirit and changing weathers in the Indian soil, we have proved successful in protecting Nature’s plenty through our world class products and services.
We are incorporated in Indian companies act during 2004, promoted by a team of agricultural experts, with prime focus on speciality agricultural inputs. We are the fastest growing speciality agro input company in South India having its head office at Chennai and operations in all the southern states of India. Our speciality products include Water soluble fertilizers, Organic farm products, Bio fertilizers, Plant growth promoters, Micro Nutrients and Seeds. We offer quality service through our strong network of experts across the world. We are committed to continuous improvement by introducing latest techniques to India and also promote Indian expertise suitable to other countries interlinking the global farming communities. Our scope of service has extended to Solar on grid and off grid installation, Channel partnership with MNRE, New Delhi and Animal feeds.
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